Caring for the Environment

We are committed, where possible, to minimise the impact our activities have on the environment. We therefore work with suppliers who demonstrate a similar commitment and seek out processes and products that help our customers care for the environment too. Frasers was awarded Cartridge Recycler of the Year in 2010 and 2011 and is a member of the Cycle to Work scheme.

Our Suppliers

We trade with companies who demonstrate that they either have in place, or who are developing, environmentally sound policies, procedures and systems.

Use of Technology

We will actively encourage the use of technology throughout the supply chain, namely e-trading solutions and email, to reduce the amount of unnecessary paperwork and wastage. Our electronic solutions make both our and your business more efficient, saving everyone time, money and energy.

Packaging & Toner Recycling

We aim to reduce, recycle and reuse packaging wherever possible. To this end, we will provide our customers with free recycling bins for toners and cartridges and so avoid landfill, and promote ‘green’ products where possible. Please Contact Us for your FREE RECYCLING BIN.

Other Recycling

Did you know the U.K., currently throws away over 1 billion batteries every year? We supply all our customers with a free battery recycling bucket to collect all their old and used batteries. Please Contact Us to get your FREE BATTERY RECYCLING BUCKET.


Wherever possible, we operate a consolidated delivery service, grouping deliveries together to reduce mileage and therefore our costs and carbon footprint. However, we are aware that this is not always convenient for customers and will continue to provide a next day delivery if required.

Single Source Supply

We have a range of 30,000 products and an extensive bespoke range which means we can offer a single source of supply for many of our customers. Not only does this ensure you receive the best possible price, it also helps us to support the environment through reduced deliveries, mileage and order processing.

Eco-Friendly Products

We make it easier for you to take a conscious buying decision by highlighting products within our catalogues that are eco-friendly. In addition, our catalogue is now made from 50% recycled paper. Request your copy.